Dear Principal, Ms. Mona, ladies and gentlemen:Good morning!
I’m Jackson Liu ’s mother, and I’m very honored to attend his high school graduation ceremony. I asked to speak here myself, not because how outstanding my son is, but because I want to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude.
We chose RDF International School because we were deeply moved by the school motto: responsibility, Discipline, and Fortitude. Our boy once was very rebellious, addicted to video games. we were worried about him a lot. It is right here in this school that he has grown into a much better man.He becomes friendly, polite, willing to communicate with parents, share his growth experiences, have the courage to face difficulties and challenges, and aspire to have the ability to give back to the society in the future.
I believe RDF must have some magic, and this magic is hidden in every educator’s heart. dear teachers! It’s your kindness, respect, patience, encouragement, trust and expectation that light up the children’ future. So, dear teachers! you may never know how important your work is for the children and the families behind them! Therefore, again, I want to express our deep gratitude!
The children are about to leave their dear school. May they always remember the school motto and strive to win glory for their alma mater!
May RDF International School become more and more excellent and have a bright future! Thank you all!
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