职务: AP 2D 艺术老师
国籍: 南非
学历: 文学与哲学博士,美术硕士、学士
证书: 视觉艺术教师资格证
持有视觉艺术教师资格证。拥有超过20年的教师经验。曾任南非林波波省教育部高级教育专员,并担任生存技能、美术文化和视觉艺术课程顾问。他拥有文学与哲学的博士学位,美术硕士和学士学位,及教师文凭。他教授视觉艺术和ESL中学课程,并基于他在曼德拉都市大学的12年讲课经验,为ESL学习者开发衔接课程。除了是一位老师外,他也是一位画家和壁画家,是数个国际壁画组织的活跃成员,曾在墨西哥、阿根廷和南非画壁画。他曾在当地和国际上举办过多次个人画展或与其他画家一起举行联展。这些经历都是他职业发展和讲课风格里必不可少的一部分。同时,丰富的经历也帮助他的学生以国际视野去思考问题,为他们提供了不少参展和比赛机会。他的学生大多取得佳绩。他的教育理念是以学生为中心,鼓励他们成为学习的积极参与者。他与他的同事和学生都保持良好的关系,但同时也遵守作为一名教师的职业道德。对于他来讲,承担起促进学生的学业进步和个人发展的责任,帮助他们成为全面发展和对国际社会有责任感的公民,是很重要的。瑞得福最受学生喜爱的老师之一。他非常享受与同学们共同创作和探讨艺术的时光,介绍同学们的作品时滔滔不绝,骄傲之情常常溢于言表。Mr. Andrew Nhlangwini is a certified Visual Arts teacher and has over 20 years teaching experience. He worked as a Senior Education Specialist in the Department of Education in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, serving as curriculum advisor in Life Skills, Arts and Culture and Visual Arts. Mr. Nhlangwini is a Doctor of literature et Philosophy,he also has a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, as well as a Teaching Diploma. He has taught Visual Arts as well as ESL at middle school level and developed a curriculum for the ESL speakers bridging course during his 12 years lecturing experience at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. He has also been an active member of numerous international muralist groups globally. Mr. Nhlangwini is a painter and a muralist. He has painted murals in Mexico, Argentina, and South Africa. He have exhibited solo and group exhibition locally and internationally. These experiences are integral in his professional growth and the techniques incorporated into his teaching. This has helped him to teach his students to have a global outlook, resulting in his students often obtaining awards in Art exhibitions and competitions. His approach is student-centered, thus enabling students to be active participants in their learning. He has a good rapport with his colleagues and students, yet retaining a professional work ethic. It is important for him to accept responsibility for the academic and personal growth of his students, so as to ensure their growth into responsible and well-balanced individuals in a global society.

- Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
- Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
- Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
- Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
- Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
- Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
- Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
- Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
- Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
- Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
- Muhammad Aqib Zia 人工智能导论与ChatGPT应用、游戏开发、AP计算机科学原理老师
- Alistair D. Stevenson 陶艺、高阶陶艺老师
- Goran Raicevic 体育老师
- Ian Meek 物理、AP物理1老师
- Kimberley Sophia Allen 代数、AP预备微积分老师
- Arsene Keruburundi 心理学、AP心理学老师
- Trakia Thomas 美国历史、社会科学老师
- Jay Xu 计算机老师
- George Kubu 美国文学、世界文学老师
- Miguel Valero 西班牙语老师