马玉兰(Sandy)来自宁夏。她毕业于宁夏大学,获管理学学士学位(BA)。毕业后,她从事销售和业务工作。她拥有多项最高级别的瑜伽教练资格认证。她有超过10年的瑜伽教学经验。她还持有 Premier 颁发的 TEFL英语教学证书。她多年来一直担任英语家教。她也担任过商务和礼仪课程培训导师。
Ma Yulan (Sandy) is from Ningxia. She graduated from Ningxia University with a bachelor’s degree (BA) in management. After graduating she worked in sales and business. She is a yoga instructor with several of the highest certifications. She has over 10 years of yoga teaching experience. Sandy also holds a TEFL certificate from PremierTEFL. She has tutored students in English for several years. Sandy also has also trained people in business and etiquette classes.