Zhou Tong (Terra) holds a Bachelor's degree from Guangdong University of Education and Guangdong University of Science and Technology. She possesses a secondary school English qualification certificate. Since graduation, she has been engaged in teaching English to primary and junior high school students and serving as a headteacher. With a passion for education, she adheres to the educational philosophy of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes and caring for every student." She has been recognized as an "Outstanding Headteacher."

- 洪娇娇 May 学生部主任兼班主任
- 罗泰星 Summer 学生部副主任兼班主任
- 陈晓思 Sarah 学生部副主任、学术协调员兼班主任
- 韩维维 Vicky 学生部副主任
- 崔笑 Sherry 年级组组长、中国文史老师兼班主任
- 黄小倩 Kay 年级组组长兼任班主任
- 曾蕾 Agnes 年级组组长兼班主任老师
- 饶潇 Isabella 心理咨询老师
- 隆瑞 Ricky 德育助理兼班主任
- 吕安定 Annie 中国历史老师兼班主任
- 李少卿 William 班主任
- 刘方佳 Jane AP微积分BC、代数2及几何老师
- 刘勇 Staven TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 廖斯提 Veronica TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 麻常悦Macy TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 张家瑜 David 数学老师
- 马龙 Calvin 学生活动策划老师
- 王丽 Aurora 行为成长导师组组长兼校医
- 张楠 Jenna 升学指导老师
- 赵炜 Ansel 博士 生物、AP生物老师