
全国招生热线 400-806-4123
全国招生热线 400-806-4123
当前位置:深圳瑞得福学校 校园活动
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
 Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
Robert House  AP世界历史、哲学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian
2024届毕业生 伊乐桐 Hedy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伊乐桐 Hedy
2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy
2024届毕业生 张瑜彤 Paris 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 张瑜彤 Paris
2024届毕业生 吴炳衡 Henry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 吴炳衡 Henry
2024届毕业生 黄佳祺 Fernicky 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 黄佳祺 Fernicky
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo
2016RDFIS班组竞赛之烹饪大赛 Cooking Competition
2016-06-18  22885  校园活动

House Competition 3: Cooking Competition


The one-day event of the Cooking Competition took place as the third House Competition of semester 2 at RDFIS. The Houses got together their top four culinary wizards in hopes that they would make two dishes each that would impress the judges.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

The teams each had 50 minutes to cook their two plates, and then three judges would determine which team meals had the best taste, appearance, and creativity of ingredients. Students also received more points for shortening their time and completing before the 50 minutes were up. There was a frenzy of peeling and washing all sorts of ingredients as the time started. Each team was given an assortment of utensils and tools to use, but the rest was up to them to decide how to use and cook. Things were boiled, fried, and steamed, and there was slicing, dicing, stirring and mixing. Smells of spices, meat, sweet and sometimes burnt things filled the air as time ticked by. Plating also proved to be quite creative or rushed depending on how well prepared the teams were. Flurries of food were brought to the judging table as time ticked away, and everyone looked on in awe as the three judges ate and decided the scores to be placed on the score sheet. Some of the dishes that were presented were traditional Chinese dumpling soup, pasta primavera, stir-fried vegetables, and even parfait.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

After scores were tallied, Dragon reined in the most from the judges with 179 cumulative points from the score sheet (see attached). Dragon placed first with 7 points, Phoenix placed second with 6 points, Eagle placed third with 5 points, and Phoenix placed fourth with4 points. The House scores for semester two are currently Eagle in 1st with 176 points, Dragon in 2nd with 166 points, Tiger in 3rd with 161 points, and Phoenix in 4th with 147 points. Gratitude goes out to Mr. Brian Abdallah, Ms. Olga Dumna, and Principal Joey Zheng for being the judges, and the Heads of Houses: Rain Liao, Alice Liu, Ted Huang, and Remy Lu for assisting with the game rules today.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1
2016RDFIS班组竞赛之烹饪大赛 Cooking Competition
2016-06-18  22885  校园活动

House Competition 3: Cooking Competition


The one-day event of the Cooking Competition took place as the third House Competition of semester 2 at RDFIS. The Houses got together their top four culinary wizards in hopes that they would make two dishes each that would impress the judges.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

The teams each had 50 minutes to cook their two plates, and then three judges would determine which team meals had the best taste, appearance, and creativity of ingredients. Students also received more points for shortening their time and completing before the 50 minutes were up. There was a frenzy of peeling and washing all sorts of ingredients as the time started. Each team was given an assortment of utensils and tools to use, but the rest was up to them to decide how to use and cook. Things were boiled, fried, and steamed, and there was slicing, dicing, stirring and mixing. Smells of spices, meat, sweet and sometimes burnt things filled the air as time ticked by. Plating also proved to be quite creative or rushed depending on how well prepared the teams were. Flurries of food were brought to the judging table as time ticked away, and everyone looked on in awe as the three judges ate and decided the scores to be placed on the score sheet. Some of the dishes that were presented were traditional Chinese dumpling soup, pasta primavera, stir-fried vegetables, and even parfait.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

After scores were tallied, Dragon reined in the most from the judges with 179 cumulative points from the score sheet (see attached). Dragon placed first with 7 points, Phoenix placed second with 6 points, Eagle placed third with 5 points, and Phoenix placed fourth with4 points. The House scores for semester two are currently Eagle in 1st with 176 points, Dragon in 2nd with 166 points, Tiger in 3rd with 161 points, and Phoenix in 4th with 147 points. Gratitude goes out to Mr. Brian Abdallah, Ms. Olga Dumna, and Principal Joey Zheng for being the judges, and the Heads of Houses: Rain Liao, Alice Liu, Ted Huang, and Remy Lu for assisting with the game rules today.

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1