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全国招生热线 400-806-4123
当前位置:深圳瑞得福学校 媒体报道
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
 Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
Robert House  AP世界历史、哲学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian
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2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
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2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo
RDFIS strives to prepare students for rewarding future——《Shenzhen Daily》
2022-07-15  3463  媒体报道


RDFIS strives to prepare students for rewarding future

At the commencement ceremony for the Class of 2022 in RDF International School (RDFIS), Stephen Pellerine, principal of RDFIS, offered words of wisdom to inspire graduates to be wise and enthusiastic, open doors to the pathways that they want to walk on, and live and lead legendary lives.

With a specially prepared gift for the students – a key ring and two uncut keys, Pellerine dropped five messages in his motivational speech titled “The Keys ‘You’ Cut,” galvanizing the prospective college students to continue pursuing academic success and moral excellence, as well as to carry forward RDFIS’s legacy of responsibility, discipline and fortitude.

“As you leave the doors today, and as you head out to fill this ring with keys of your liking, as you head out to the keysmith and get your keys cut, cut the keys that make your life colorful and well rounded. The colors of your choice. The keys of your choice,” Pellerine said encouragingly in his address.

RDFIS, which aims to be the best American international school in South China, has been serving the international student community’s diverse learning needs since 2015.

The school has been successful in preparing students for a rewarding global future, with 70% of its graduates enrolled by the top 50 universities in the U.S., the top eight universities in Canada, the top eight universities in China’s Hong Kong and the top 10 universities in the U.K.

In the 2022 China International School Competitiveness Ranking released by international education resource and service platform KingLead, RDFIS came in 45th place in terms of enrollment to U.S. universities, and its teacher competitiveness received the highest possible rating of 5A. In the 2022 Forbes China International School Annual Selection, RDIFS ranked 6th in Shenzhen and 26th in China.

The RDFIS campus, located in the scenic Dapeng Peninsula and nestled between multiple beautiful beaches and small, lush mountains, covers about 20,000 square meters with the pristine academic buildings, inviting dormitories and canteen, as well as multiple sporting fields and courts.

Dapeng Peninsula boasts one of China’s eight most beautiful coastlines and maintains the best air quality for areas surrounding Shenzhen, and the school is in close proximity to a state-of-the-art Geological Museum as well as a star-gazing observatory.

RDFIS provides exceptional educational opportunities for students seeking to advance their practical and academic knowledge. It is a top-notch American international school with facilities to accommodate the students with a cutting-edge American curriculum as well as high-quality living quarters.

RDFIS offers a pure American international school education. By bringing the advanced teaching curriculum of American private schools to RDFIS, it supports the educational goals and mission of New York State and collaborates with Washington Academy, one of the best Christian schools in the U.S.

As a truly global and multicultural learning hub, RDFIS also draws top-tier foreign teachers and has a seasoned faculty. At present, the school has over 30 experienced, academically rigorous and humorous foreign teachers from the U.S. (accounting for more than 50%), Canada, the U.K., France, New Zealand, Spain and other countries.

It adopts authentic teaching materials and methodologies, and provides English as the only teaching language to create a strong American academic atmosphere of the best American education possible for students from Shenzhen and across the country.

Students who pass the RDFIS entrance exam and interview, and choose to enroll at RDFIS, are also enrolled in the New York elite private school, Washington Academy. Students, upon graduation from RDFIS, will be eligible for the diploma from the U.S. as well.

Currently, RDFIS has signed a strategic framework agreement with the University of Massachusetts, which allow RDFIS students to enjoy preferential admission at the university. As the school develops, it will continue to achieve strategic agreements on further studies and international projects with elite schools in the future.

RDFIS provides students with a well-rounded education that balances academics with arts and athletics to hone all of its students’ holistic development. The school has well-equipped laboratories in biology, chemistry and physics, computer rooms, a Maker Space, and a STEAM science and technology innovation center.

The school’s wide range of sporting facilities such as its playground, tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball courts, provide great opportunities for students to enjoy physical exercise.

The school is also equipped with other facilities such as a professional art, music and dance rooms. Moreover, its cozy library enables them to appreciate various literatures, look up books, newspapers and expand their scope of knowledge beyond scholarly.

RDFIS attaches great importance to cultivating its students’ innovative spirit, logical thinking, hands-on abilities and aesthetics. What RDFIS wants to do and is practicing is to fully support students’ dreams and prepare the ground for their holistic development.

On RDFIS’ annual Academic Kaleidoscope Day, they highlight the academic achievements of every student. With rich and varied projects showcased in each exhibition area, students can throw themselves into feeling the charms of different disciplines and embracing new experiences.

Through the concept of whole person education and diversified American campus culture, RDFIS endeavors to cultivate young leaders who are well-versed in Chinese and Western cultures, fluent in Chinese and English, and are kind and intelligent, as well as talents who will become communicators, influencers and leaders in the fields of international economy, culture, education, science and technology in the future.

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1
RDFIS strives to prepare students for rewarding future——《Shenzhen Daily》
2022-07-15  3463  媒体报道


RDFIS strives to prepare students for rewarding future

At the commencement ceremony for the Class of 2022 in RDF International School (RDFIS), Stephen Pellerine, principal of RDFIS, offered words of wisdom to inspire graduates to be wise and enthusiastic, open doors to the pathways that they want to walk on, and live and lead legendary lives.

With a specially prepared gift for the students – a key ring and two uncut keys, Pellerine dropped five messages in his motivational speech titled “The Keys ‘You’ Cut,” galvanizing the prospective college students to continue pursuing academic success and moral excellence, as well as to carry forward RDFIS’s legacy of responsibility, discipline and fortitude.

“As you leave the doors today, and as you head out to fill this ring with keys of your liking, as you head out to the keysmith and get your keys cut, cut the keys that make your life colorful and well rounded. The colors of your choice. The keys of your choice,” Pellerine said encouragingly in his address.

RDFIS, which aims to be the best American international school in South China, has been serving the international student community’s diverse learning needs since 2015.

The school has been successful in preparing students for a rewarding global future, with 70% of its graduates enrolled by the top 50 universities in the U.S., the top eight universities in Canada, the top eight universities in China’s Hong Kong and the top 10 universities in the U.K.

In the 2022 China International School Competitiveness Ranking released by international education resource and service platform KingLead, RDFIS came in 45th place in terms of enrollment to U.S. universities, and its teacher competitiveness received the highest possible rating of 5A. In the 2022 Forbes China International School Annual Selection, RDIFS ranked 6th in Shenzhen and 26th in China.

The RDFIS campus, located in the scenic Dapeng Peninsula and nestled between multiple beautiful beaches and small, lush mountains, covers about 20,000 square meters with the pristine academic buildings, inviting dormitories and canteen, as well as multiple sporting fields and courts.

Dapeng Peninsula boasts one of China’s eight most beautiful coastlines and maintains the best air quality for areas surrounding Shenzhen, and the school is in close proximity to a state-of-the-art Geological Museum as well as a star-gazing observatory.

RDFIS provides exceptional educational opportunities for students seeking to advance their practical and academic knowledge. It is a top-notch American international school with facilities to accommodate the students with a cutting-edge American curriculum as well as high-quality living quarters.

RDFIS offers a pure American international school education. By bringing the advanced teaching curriculum of American private schools to RDFIS, it supports the educational goals and mission of New York State and collaborates with Washington Academy, one of the best Christian schools in the U.S.

As a truly global and multicultural learning hub, RDFIS also draws top-tier foreign teachers and has a seasoned faculty. At present, the school has over 30 experienced, academically rigorous and humorous foreign teachers from the U.S. (accounting for more than 50%), Canada, the U.K., France, New Zealand, Spain and other countries.

It adopts authentic teaching materials and methodologies, and provides English as the only teaching language to create a strong American academic atmosphere of the best American education possible for students from Shenzhen and across the country.

Students who pass the RDFIS entrance exam and interview, and choose to enroll at RDFIS, are also enrolled in the New York elite private school, Washington Academy. Students, upon graduation from RDFIS, will be eligible for the diploma from the U.S. as well.

Currently, RDFIS has signed a strategic framework agreement with the University of Massachusetts, which allow RDFIS students to enjoy preferential admission at the university. As the school develops, it will continue to achieve strategic agreements on further studies and international projects with elite schools in the future.

RDFIS provides students with a well-rounded education that balances academics with arts and athletics to hone all of its students’ holistic development. The school has well-equipped laboratories in biology, chemistry and physics, computer rooms, a Maker Space, and a STEAM science and technology innovation center.

The school’s wide range of sporting facilities such as its playground, tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball courts, provide great opportunities for students to enjoy physical exercise.

The school is also equipped with other facilities such as a professional art, music and dance rooms. Moreover, its cozy library enables them to appreciate various literatures, look up books, newspapers and expand their scope of knowledge beyond scholarly.

RDFIS attaches great importance to cultivating its students’ innovative spirit, logical thinking, hands-on abilities and aesthetics. What RDFIS wants to do and is practicing is to fully support students’ dreams and prepare the ground for their holistic development.

On RDFIS’ annual Academic Kaleidoscope Day, they highlight the academic achievements of every student. With rich and varied projects showcased in each exhibition area, students can throw themselves into feeling the charms of different disciplines and embracing new experiences.

Through the concept of whole person education and diversified American campus culture, RDFIS endeavors to cultivate young leaders who are well-versed in Chinese and Western cultures, fluent in Chinese and English, and are kind and intelligent, as well as talents who will become communicators, influencers and leaders in the fields of international economy, culture, education, science and technology in the future.

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1