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全国招生热线 400-806-4123
当前位置:深圳瑞得福学校 国际赛事获奖
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Stephen R. Pellerine 深圳瑞得福学校校长
 Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Dennis Bennett博士 英国文学、英语老师
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Joseph Pappa博士 美国文学、AP英语语言和写作老师
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Andrew Nhlangwini博士 AP 2D艺术老师
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Olukayode O. Ogundipe博士 化学、AP化学、AP环境科学老师
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Cheryl Dublar 博士 社会研究老师
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert Allan Gewirtz 英语、应用英语老师
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Ignacio Blanco 体育老师、足球教练
Robert House  AP世界历史、哲学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Robert House AP世界历史、哲学老师
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
Novelyn Ceredon Cariaga 化学、科学老师
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 伍睿Rain
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 彭哲浩 Harry
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李至柔 Litchi
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 谭彦希 Ian
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2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李轩怡 Amy
2024届毕业生 张瑜彤 Paris 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
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2024届毕业生 吴炳衡 Henry 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
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2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo 深圳瑞得福学校 - 给孩子优质的教育 是父母最好的投资
2024届毕业生 李长乐 Leo
祝贺瑞得福学子黄棋玉夺得2020 EdTA深圳戏剧节单人独白亚军
2021-01-01  4707  国际赛事获奖

The 2020 EdTA Festival was a large regional level theatre festival that included participants from over 30 top international schools around Guangdong province.


Two of RDF's students, Tony Xie (9C) and Chelsea Wong (12B), took up the challenge and participated in two different categories, Monologue and Duologue competitions.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

The contest was extremely intense as all the participants were highly skilled and experienced in drama. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it through the Duologue competition with the duet scene from "The Bear" (by famous classical russian playwright Anton Chekhov), performed by Tony Xie and Chelsea Wong.

比赛非常激烈,因为所有参赛者都有很高的戏剧技巧和经验。令人遗憾的是,我们的选手没能够在双人情景剧比赛中突围。由Tony Xie和Chelsea Wong表演的双人情景剧《熊》(俄罗斯著名古典剧作家Anton Chekhov的作品)未能获奖。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

But after two days of non-stop competition in the Monologue category, we had a blast in finals and won the 2nd best place in Guandong province with the ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me’ monologue (one of the most famous soliloquies in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), performed by Chelsea Wong.

但在两天不间断的个人独白剧比赛中,瑞得福学子在决赛中大放异彩。Chelsea黄棋玉表演的 "Is this a dagger which I see before me "独白剧(莎士比亚《麦克白》中最著名的独白之一)获得了广东省第二名的好成绩。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Chelsea Wong黄棋玉:

"My self, Tony and Mr Aleh, attended the Shenzhen EdTA Drama Competition 2020. It was a fun and eye-opening experience as I got to meet many other young actors from all over the Guangdong province and witness their performances. I participated in the monologue category and I performed the ‘Is this a dagger' monologue by Shakespeare from Macbeth. I also performed a duologue with Tony and we presented a scene from ‘The Bear’ By Anton Chekov.

"我、Tony和Aleh先生,参加了2020年深圳EdTA戏剧比赛。这是一次有趣的、开阔眼界的经历,因为我认识了许多其他来自广东省各地的年轻演员,并目睹了他们的表演。我参加了独角戏组,表演了莎士比亚《麦克白》中的 "这是一把匕首 "的独角戏。我还和Tony一起表演了一段双人剧,我们表演了Anton Chekhov的《熊》中的一幕。

Being my first drama competition, those two days were certainly one of the most stressful moments in my life. During the competition the schedule was really packed: we had rehearsal after rehearsal, performance after performance and then more rehearsals, then a quick bite for lunch and more performances, then an improvised simmer down djembe session then back to rehearsals and performances. Despite that, I really enjoyed the event. In fact, the anxiety and exhaustion where what I most enjoyed about it, because it left me with a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of pride that I came out of it in one piece. Phew. I was really supprised that I got the 2nd place but this wouldn't have been possible without the guidance and hardwork of our drama teacher Mr. Aleh and the support of RDF.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Overall, the EdTA drama competition was a great experience. It really gave me a deeper insight into acting and a better understanding of the rehearsal process and its intensity."


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Aleh Koba(指导老师):

"This is my first year with EdTa as a participant and I was surprised with the level of the performances that I've seen in the two days of competition. The level of skills and competence of students in Monologues and Duologues was outstanding, and I was particularly impressed by the Group Scenes, I haven't seen such inspiring and touching performances for a long time. Many of my students have been learning drama at RDF only for a year and I was truly excited and proud to see their passion on stage and the great results they have been able to achieve in such a short period of time. The interest in drama and theatre culture in China has increased noticeably over the past few years and is growing rapidly at this very moment, and I am so happy and lucky to be a part of this process and contribute with my theatre knowledge and experience."


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1
祝贺瑞得福学子黄棋玉夺得2020 EdTA深圳戏剧节单人独白亚军
2021-01-01  4707  国际赛事获奖

The 2020 EdTA Festival was a large regional level theatre festival that included participants from over 30 top international schools around Guangdong province.


Two of RDF's students, Tony Xie (9C) and Chelsea Wong (12B), took up the challenge and participated in two different categories, Monologue and Duologue competitions.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

The contest was extremely intense as all the participants were highly skilled and experienced in drama. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it through the Duologue competition with the duet scene from "The Bear" (by famous classical russian playwright Anton Chekhov), performed by Tony Xie and Chelsea Wong.

比赛非常激烈,因为所有参赛者都有很高的戏剧技巧和经验。令人遗憾的是,我们的选手没能够在双人情景剧比赛中突围。由Tony Xie和Chelsea Wong表演的双人情景剧《熊》(俄罗斯著名古典剧作家Anton Chekhov的作品)未能获奖。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

But after two days of non-stop competition in the Monologue category, we had a blast in finals and won the 2nd best place in Guandong province with the ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me’ monologue (one of the most famous soliloquies in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), performed by Chelsea Wong.

但在两天不间断的个人独白剧比赛中,瑞得福学子在决赛中大放异彩。Chelsea黄棋玉表演的 "Is this a dagger which I see before me "独白剧(莎士比亚《麦克白》中最著名的独白之一)获得了广东省第二名的好成绩。

深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Chelsea Wong黄棋玉:

"My self, Tony and Mr Aleh, attended the Shenzhen EdTA Drama Competition 2020. It was a fun and eye-opening experience as I got to meet many other young actors from all over the Guangdong province and witness their performances. I participated in the monologue category and I performed the ‘Is this a dagger' monologue by Shakespeare from Macbeth. I also performed a duologue with Tony and we presented a scene from ‘The Bear’ By Anton Chekov.

"我、Tony和Aleh先生,参加了2020年深圳EdTA戏剧比赛。这是一次有趣的、开阔眼界的经历,因为我认识了许多其他来自广东省各地的年轻演员,并目睹了他们的表演。我参加了独角戏组,表演了莎士比亚《麦克白》中的 "这是一把匕首 "的独角戏。我还和Tony一起表演了一段双人剧,我们表演了Anton Chekhov的《熊》中的一幕。

Being my first drama competition, those two days were certainly one of the most stressful moments in my life. During the competition the schedule was really packed: we had rehearsal after rehearsal, performance after performance and then more rehearsals, then a quick bite for lunch and more performances, then an improvised simmer down djembe session then back to rehearsals and performances. Despite that, I really enjoyed the event. In fact, the anxiety and exhaustion where what I most enjoyed about it, because it left me with a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of pride that I came out of it in one piece. Phew. I was really supprised that I got the 2nd place but this wouldn't have been possible without the guidance and hardwork of our drama teacher Mr. Aleh and the support of RDF.


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Overall, the EdTA drama competition was a great experience. It really gave me a deeper insight into acting and a better understanding of the rehearsal process and its intensity."


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Aleh Koba(指导老师):

"This is my first year with EdTa as a participant and I was surprised with the level of the performances that I've seen in the two days of competition. The level of skills and competence of students in Monologues and Duologues was outstanding, and I was particularly impressed by the Group Scenes, I haven't seen such inspiring and touching performances for a long time. Many of my students have been learning drama at RDF only for a year and I was truly excited and proud to see their passion on stage and the great results they have been able to achieve in such a short period of time. The interest in drama and theatre culture in China has increased noticeably over the past few years and is growing rapidly at this very moment, and I am so happy and lucky to be a part of this process and contribute with my theatre knowledge and experience."


深圳瑞得福学校 RDFIS

Copyright 2015 RDFIS All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备15085109号-1