赵炜老师是中山大学植物学硕士,制药工程学士,并且是美国大学理事会(College Board)培训认证的AP生物培训师。他有10年以上教学经验,曾在大学任教5年。在A-level、AP、IB生物以及英语听说读写课程方面经验丰富。他不仅帮助高中生考上海外理想学校,还曾经协助大学生通过GRE、GMAT考试进入理想的研究院校。
2022年 所教班级AP生物平均分4.29(高于中国和全球平均分),其中43%的学生获得满分5分的好成绩,所有考生成绩均在3分或3分以上(拿到AP考试3分就可以兑换美国很多大学的学分)。
2023年 所教班级AP生物平均分4.00(高于中国和全球平均分),其中29%的学生获得满分5分的好成绩,所有考生成绩均在3分或3分以上。
在考试统计数据中可以看出:瑞得福考生所有的知识点和技能点平均成绩均高于全球平均或同时高于中国和全球水平。(下面为2023年AP官方产生的统计数据。在表格中Group Mean是瑞得福考生每个知识点和技能点平均AP成绩,CN Mean为中国考试平均成绩,Global Mean为全球考生平均成绩)
Ansel Zhao is from China, graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a Master’s Degree in botany and Bachelor's Degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering. He has taught 5 years in a university. He has rich teaching experiences in A-level, AP, IB Biology and English listening, speaking, reading and writing courses. He not only helped high school students to enter overseas ideal schools, but also helped college students to enter ideal research institutions through GRE and GMAT exams.
AP Biology Teaching Achievements:
2022: The average score of the classes Ansel Zhao taught for the AP exam was 4.29 (higher than both the Chinese and global average scores). Among these, 43% of the students achieved a perfect score of 5, and all students scored 3 or above (a score of 3 on the AP exam can be used for college credit in many U.S. universities).
2023: The average score of the classes Ansel Zhao taught for the AP exam was 4.00 (higher than both the Chinese and global average scores). Among these, 29% of the students achieved a perfect score of 5, and all students scored 3 or above.
From the exam statistical data, it can be seen that the average scores for all knowledge and skill points are higher than the global average or are simultaneously higher than both the Chinese and global levels. (Below are the official AP statistics. In the table, "Group Mean" refers to the average AP score for the RDF examinees, "CN Mean" refers to the average exam score in China, and "Global Mean" refers to the average score for global examinees.)

- 洪娇娇 May 学生部主任兼班主任
- 罗泰星 Summer 学生部副主任兼班主任
- 陈晓思 Sarah 学生部副主任、学术协调员兼班主任
- 韩维维 Vicky 学生部副主任
- 崔笑 Sherry 年级组组长、中国文史老师兼班主任
- 黄小倩 Kay 年级组组长兼任班主任
- 曾蕾 Agnes 年级组组长兼班主任老师
- 饶潇 Isabella 心理咨询老师
- 隆瑞 Ricky 德育助理兼班主任
- 吕安定 Annie 中国历史老师兼班主任
- 李少卿 William 班主任
- 刘方佳 Jane AP微积分BC、代数2及几何老师
- 刘勇 Staven TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 廖斯提 Veronica TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 麻常悦Macy TOEFL老师兼班主任
- 张家瑜 David 数学老师
- 马龙 Calvin 学生活动策划老师
- 王丽 Aurora 行为成长导师组组长兼校医
- 张楠 Jenna 升学指导老师
- 赵炜 Ansel 博士 生物、AP生物老师