On May 31, 2019, the annual Academic Kaleidoscope of RDF International School was held in a grand way. Nearly 400 students and teachers participated, with dozens of parents also attending the school event. The Academic Kaleidoscope showcases students' outstanding works with a spirit of performance and festivity, simultaneously encouraging students to expand their horizons and celebrate strong academics on campus.
In the preparation for the activities, the teachers and students carefully prepared the exhibits with attention to ensuring deep learning and high quality displays. The event organizers produced a sophisticated “passport” card for the event, encouraging students to record lessons on the passport card, to demonstrate active participation in each activity. The most engaged House team would win the privilege of enjoying a movie and popcorn on Sunday night.
At the show, RDF students presented their works from various subject areas and enthusiastically explained their displays to parents and classmates. The activities were brilliant, including mathematics and geography competitions, a Business Fair, an Art Exhibition, a Science and Technology Fair, a World War II History Museums, and other projects, bringing a wonderful feast for the teachers, students and parents. These creative works highlight the RDF students' innovative thinking ability, knowledge integration ability, and the spirit of seeking knowledge and exploration—reflecting the remarkable achievements of the RDF International School in the growth and development of children.
At the Business Fair, instructor Ms. Lorraine Foster said: “RDF students have worked hard this semester, creating their own Business Plans. Keep a LOOK OUT for these companies in the near future!” Students created many business plans with great vision, such as “Lings”, an app for booking seats for coffee and soda in different locations; “Sweet Mix”, which offers customers a variety of confections; “MusiCrowd”, “Music City”, “Music Cloud”, a company that provides a platform for non-famous singers; and “Bumble Bee Delivery”, which uses drones to deliver food. Other Creative company names were “Still Fry”, “THR Car Rental”, " Credit Loves Apple".
在商业博览会上,指导教师Ms.Lorraine Foster说道:“深圳瑞得福学校的学生们本学期工作努力,创建了自己的企业以及企业宏图,请留意这些未来可期的公司!”学生们创造了许多具有卓越远见的商业理念,诸如”Lings”,一款在不同地点为咖啡、苏打水等预定座位的应用程序;”Sweet Mix”,为顾客提供不同种类融合现代时尚的甜食;“MusiCrowd”、”Music City”、”Music Cloud”,为非著名歌手提供平台的公司;”Bumble Bee Delivery”,用无人机运送食物;以及“Still Fry“、”THR Car Rental”、“Credit Loves Apple”等极具创意的企业
At the mathematics exhibition, the instructor Mr. Michael O 'Connell said, "The math teachers created some very challenging problems for their students to give them an opportunity to test their mathematical abilities. The students tried their very best to compete against each other and against themselves. The number of students who showed up to take the tests was almost overwhelming, and the math department had to hurry and print up more competition exams so that students wouldn't be disappointed. Overall, it was a very strong showing by students of all levels in all of the different math classes offered at RDF.
在数学展上,指导教师Mr. Michael O 'Connell说道:“数学老师们为学生们创造了一些非常具有挑战性的问题,让他们有机会测试自己的数学能力。在Math Counts比赛中,学生们尽力相互竞争,并与自己竞争。每个人都明智地利用他们的时间,结果非常令人鼓舞。参加考试的学生人数几乎是压倒性的,在场的负责人必须赶紧打印更多的比赛试题,这样学生就不会失望。总的来说,在深圳瑞得福学校提供的所有不同数学课程中,所有的学生都表现得很好。”
At the art exhibition, Teacher Lane said her inner feelings. “The art exhibition led by Andrew’s teacher shows the representative works of each grade. Most impressive to me is the cubism works. Was founded in 1908 by George Braque and Pablo Picasso of Montmartre, France. It is a movement and genre in the history of modern Western art. It is characterized by many objects placed in the same picture to express the complete image of an object. The angles of the objects are interlaced to create a number of vertical and parallel line angles. The scattered shadows make the cubist picture, but without the perspective of traditional Western painting. The three-dimensional illusion caused by the background and the theme of the picture are interspersed, letting the cubist picture create a two-dimensional feel. The children's works are stunning; they helped me understand the history of writing, fresh creative inspiration. Each works has it’s own characteristics and styles, immersed in their own unique ideas. The process and product impressed me with what the power of art can be."
在美术展上,Lane老师道出了她的内心感受:“Andrew老师带领下的美术作品展把每个年级代表性的作品都展示出来,最让我印象深刻的是cubism works(立体主义作品)立体主义开始于1908年,由法国巴黎蒙马特区的乔治·布拉克Georges Braque和毕加索Pablo Picasso所建立,是西方现代艺术史上的一个运动和流派,特点是以许多的角度来描写对象物,将其置于同一个画面之中,来表达对象物最为完整的形象。物体的各个角度交错迭放造成了许多的垂直与平行的线条角度,散乱的阴影使立体主义的画面没有传统西方绘画的透视法造成的三维空间错觉。背景与画面的主题交互穿插,让立体主义的画面创造出一个二维空间的绘画特色。孩子们的作品非常震撼,让我了解派作历史,新鲜的创作灵感。他们的作品分别有各自的特点和风格,浸入了自己的独特想法,让我在观看的过程中深深的感受到艺术的力量是多么的伟大。”
At the World War II History Museum, Mr. Staven Liu said: “The WWII-related works were demonstrated and exhibited, including all kinds of weapons used, the jobs male or females soldiers did, some war heroes' stories, and poison gas masks during WWII. What impressed me the most was the concentration camp, in which more than one million men, women, children (mostly Jewish) died from diseases, being killed or tortured to death. It's not easy to gain the peace we have today, so peace should be preserved for the future.”
The RDF Technology Expo aims to actively respond to the five new development concepts of “innovation, coordination, greenness, openness, and sharing”, focusing on the needs of life development, bringing together knowledge and wisdom, and promoting the transformation of quality projects. The exhibition was very popular, and many students took their own works to participate, attracting a large number of teachers, students, and parents to participate. This exhibition shows the progress of RDF students' scientific and technological achievements, and will also promote RDFIS technology to continuously innovate their scientific research.
After the Academic Kaleidoscope event, awards were given to the top students in each event. The Leopard House won the team participation award, and all members were given the privilege to watch the movie on Sunday night.
学术万花筒活动结束后,Leland Anderson 校长给每个活动项目得分排名靠前的学生颁奖。最终Leopard猎豹队得分和参与度最高,赢得了团队奖,全体成员将在周日晚上集体观看电影。

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